Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a tod @ s , I'm back in this little journey that has made me very well, although I am tired, very tired.
As some of vosotr @ s know, we have been traveling from Friday to Sunday, taking the bridge of Galician literature, as in the Autonomous Community of Galicia on 17 May is a holiday because The Galician Literature Day.
On Saturday 14, was in Vitoria-Gasteiz wedding because my cousin married Alberto I'll tell Anna menu and gastronomic journey, as we have come to Valladolid (How I love this city!) to visit family there we have, and we went for wine and snacks ... we a marvel.
To get you started, you'll leave a recipe, following the trend of the past, which is simple, low fat and healthy, without forgetting something important: that is tasty! And so, much!
- 1 pork tenderloin 1 kg
- 150 grms special rice dishes and salads Mercadona (mixture of parboiled rice, wild and red)
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 handful of raisins
- Olive oil
- Sal
- 1 shot of brandy
- Herbs
We spread sirloin with a mixture of olive oil, herbs (I put thyme, basil and garlic powder) and leave a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
in a pan with some olive oil over high heat sealed tenderloin dorándolo well on all sides.
We put the tenderloin in a baking dish, we add a shot of brandy, salt and we put in the oven about 45 minutes to heat up and down to 170 º. As pork should be slightly more done than beef.
Meanwhile, prepare the guarnición. Cocemos en abundante agua con sal, un diente de ajo machacado y un chorrito de aceite de oliva, el arroz, siguiendo las instrucciones del paquete (15 minutos). Lo escurrimos y refrescamos bien con agua fría. En una sartén con dos cucharadas de aceite de oliva sofreímos el diente de ajo bien picado hasta que esté dorado, añadimos el arroz, una pizca de sal y las uvas pasas. Dejamos rehogar todo un par de minutos y apagamos.
En el momento de servir, cortamos el solomillo ( no antes, porque suelta todo su jugo y queda seco) y acompañamos del arroz y la salsa que está en la bandeja del horno. Si queremos que nos quede mejor, la salsa we bring it to a saucepan and thicken with a teaspoon of cornstarch. In this case, I did not and was very good. You shall judge!
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