often bought expensive toys then, two months and do not want them and prefer to play with clothes hanging clips or paper gift. Taking advantage of this trend, I have a toy kitchen 100% Recycled quite like the little ones and that nothing happens if it breaks, you can make one with economic cost 0.
It's super easy to make and will not take anything. Need boxes, a drawing of the furnace, various stickers, scratched CDs, plastic cups ... what we have at home.
Decorate the front of the box with stickers like a button, paste a picture of the oven (you can also put a handle to the door if you want) and anything that comes to mind ...
To the top, glue two CDs as a fire damaged the vertical vitro and put in another box or boot box lid (mine is a box of yogurt) and her glasses a form of halogen lights.
's pretty right? Already released and is still like new.
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