Friday, January 28, 2011

Testicle Hurts When I Sit

What is the English Court? The new religion

banks and big companies have their own security. But the English court has a public system paid for all of us. So you see in the strike days like yesterday or statements jus pass by stores like last Saturday in Pamplona. And it is not any security: police with their verduguillo, players in hand, lend clubs to hit. And indeed, shoot and beat people without being accountable to anyone for their acts of violence against defenseless people exercising their constitutional rights. Police who defend the business with the ferocity and viciousness of a dog defending his master. And who are their masters?

The Board of Directors of the English Court after the presentation of results of 2009 is comprised of the following individuals (first and last name put on the "godfathers")

haberles Does anyone remember voting in elections? What political party represent? Why protect your business from the State? What power they have over the government and the Ministry of Interior? What gives?

course in 2009, this group achieved a net profit of 369.17 million euros. And all these people is linked to other large companies. Do you really think some people still live in a democracy?


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