Friday, October 22, 2010

Bridge Camera Shutter Speed

My sisters

feminist groups and associations are protesting the disappearance of the Ministry of Equality and the words that the mayor of Valladolid has been devoted to the minister Pajin. With reason. However, I miss their voices of protest against this chilling story which appeared in the press recently, related to the arrest of several citizens Basques suspected militants Ekin:

Barrenetxea was stripped of her clothes in the same way to Madrid, having been moved naked from the waist up and with insults, beating and fondling her breasts. A policeman came to tear the pants while forced to opened his legs and kept another hit in the head. Bilbo's neighbor claims that she was forced to stay all interrogations in panties and threatened with rape by more than one occasion. In one of the interrogation indicates that "I sat at a table and forced me to support the upper body against the cabinet, as I wrapped the back with a rope and threw cold water on the crotch. In this position did not fail to threaten to rape. "

¿Por qué no se han oído las voces indignadas de estos colectivos? Es algo que, como feminista, me duele; y no paro de darle vueltas.
¿Será porque es vasca? No puedo creerlo, cuando en España se denuncia la lapidación de "adúlteras", la ablación del clítoris o el burka en estados islámicos.
¿El manual que sigue todo terrorista para denunciar torturas? También se dice a menudo que las mujeres que denuncian una violación la habían provocado; o que hay denuncias de malos tratos para alejar a los padres de their children and take out good money. Given these statements (sometimes by judges) we rebel feminists and denounced as a ploy to create a view in society that when a woman is attacked is that "something must be done" and impunity for perpetrators. Why in this case we must believe what they tell the police on duty without even asking for an investigation? "This woman has no credibility? Do the police themselves, since he has never been a case of having abused, beaten, raped or killed a woman?
Or perhaps the reason is that there is a taboo to the Basque issue, torture and everything that has to do with the Ministry of Interior. I hope that is not because they would probably denounce it could only suspect, marginalization and loss of subsidies.
Feminist women have given an example, throughout its history, courage, boldness, critical sense and dignity. I would like this move called reflection.
A hug.


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