Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Qualities Of A Godd Nurse

Reflections on the Democrats and the "democrats"

I think "English transition issue" was like a sloppy sewing work, which is outfitted with a beast sheep costume store-bought "All at 100." From the outset it was evident that those curls were not wool, but cheap nylon, that the sheep do not have those humps, bumps and tempers, who put milk and no bitterness. But was negotiated with the swords on the table, take it or leave it, this or the wall, and most swallowed. Then came the 23-F: more swords and guns and war paint on the horizon again. And the people turned to swallow.
Time has passed and the seams are opening cheap costume: the stench can no longer hide. Monster rotten viscera appear between the frayed seams: GAL today, tomorrow torture past we had lunch at one of our going astray.
And always the same excuse, it smokescreen: the violent Basque, who do not accept the "rules of play." What "rules"? Which they agreed to the blackmail of arms?
(imagine that David, in his fight with Goliath, we also have people around accusing the violence that was supposed to launch a giant cantazo ...)
Who is violent? Journalists who disagree with the power of words, lawyers who protest with the force of law and justice, political make opposition to the force of ideas, hoping that their proposals are accepted by the citizens ... And are those who come to stop carrying weapons, and sequester them in dark and unknown hideouts, and those who refuse to communicate with family and friends where they have them hidden, until some appear in any hospital or a morgue anyone ...
I am outraged, but not surprised, that the "Democrats" fascists recycled play this game.
disgusts me that cowardly Democrats follow suit to keep their miserable privileges.
grieves me greatly to Democrats Goodwill is swallowed.


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