Unemployment is a drama. In Spain there are four million dramas: young disenchanted because, despite their efforts to prepare for the labor market, still living at home with their parents and asking for pay, without being able to plan, emancipated. access to adult life. Middle-aged people with family responsibilities, mortgages ... it feels unsuccessful in his own career by not being able to frente a sus compromisos. Gente ya mayor, que sabe que no volverá a tener la oportunidad de trabajar, y que no sabe cómo podrá encarar un futuro con la pensión menguada hasta límites de pobreza tercermundista. Gente a la que le gusta su trabajo, orgullosa de su capacidad, que se siente despreciada por la sociedad que le ha dicho "tú ya no nos vales". Cuatro millones de dramas. Frustración, depresiones, suicidios, familias destrozadas.
Pero en la lógica del Sistema (y ésta es la que cuenta; para éso la votamos cada cuatro años), son cuatro millones de oportunidades.
Indeed, unemployment turns work into a privilege. And who gets what should be grateful to the company and know that comes, goes, and we must behave
Besides, the unemployed can not strike.
And, they can engage in black without social security, no agreements or labor laws, no timetables, no minimum wages.
And if you do not like, I pick the following, which is tail, and are also undocumented migrants.
And the motto is "every man for himself" and you can is always the pattern.
Unemployment System is gasoline, and when it is uphill, you have to put more gas.
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