Sunday, November 29, 2009

Linda Gooman Horoscope

The Italian unbalanced Mr. Rubalcaba, Mr. Ares, Mr. Fernandez Marlasca ... Raids

Treinta and four youths arrested in a night of long knives in Euskal Herria. 34. Thirty plus four. States soon. Many families, as many teams, workgroups social, political, twisted. States soon. But many people. People around who do not understand why. And above all, people who really understand why. Independentistas.Porque because they are young, despite being university, pass to enter the competition to see who makes more money. Because they are not meat disco, hairline and ecstasy. Because they will not swallow the ERES and make the ball turno.Porque entrepreneur is the best thing about this town. And are you going to deprive us of the future. Ares, Rubalcaba, Take Note: we know that you have two models of youth: Your children, college students, prepared and competitive, who will you leave your estate (and pray that you will not settle early), and the children of others, mackerel of the bottle, the nightclub and the hairline, which will make good class of workers in precarious, poorly paid, but always appreciated. Then you see that no, there is a third class of young, conscious, intelligent, prepared, nationalist and generous. And this town is with them. You lost. You are finished. RIP.


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