31, August Who will lend me a ladder to climb to heaven?
I realized what day it was until I saw it on the calendar. That made me sad, because years ago I would not have forgotten. Now it was something distant, distant in time, as if it were a past life and can not be recovered.
Today was his birthday and another year, I could not congratulate ...
I was in my office with a computer, and my attention was completely the countryside extending beyond the window. A little above was the sky, a restless sea of \u200b\u200bbright clouds flying in the rain in the sun.
How I wish I could get there ...
I opened the window and filled my lungs with spring scent. I felt cherished through life, intoxicated by the universe, able to do amazing things.
- Who will lend me a ladder to ascend to heaven? - Asked the bystanders who were walking in the shadow of my window.
Many of them heard me, but a man wearing blue overalls to work, looked up to me and cupped his hands to say:
- I can lend you a ladder. Is very long and certainly takes it to the sky.
Contenta, get out of the building that I was working long hours, and took the steps that the monkey man had offered me.
I placed looking toward the sky and started up while I was stretching its many extensions.
In short, I get to heaven. The sea of \u200b\u200bclouds around me completely, and the sun had shone all around. It was a wonderful show.
Then, from the tangle of white cotton, he appeared, walking slowly, smiling joyfully to see how it got there. I ran stepping
elastic clouds and threw myself into his arms as he did when I was a little girl.
I gave him a kiss and a whisper said,
- Happy birthday.
was finally able to fulfill my desire to congratulate ... From up to heaven and hug ...
Then I awoke from my reverie. I returned to the office where I had already been for several hours and looked at the date marking the calendar: August 31
... I thought maybe he could not get a ladder to climb to heaven, but my mind if I could fly there, and I was sure my heart and yours were joined by a bond made of love.
Dedicated to my father.
Today was his birthday and another year, I could not congratulate ...
I was in my office with a computer, and my attention was completely the countryside extending beyond the window. A little above was the sky, a restless sea of \u200b\u200bbright clouds flying in the rain in the sun.
How I wish I could get there ...
I opened the window and filled my lungs with spring scent. I felt cherished through life, intoxicated by the universe, able to do amazing things.
- Who will lend me a ladder to ascend to heaven? - Asked the bystanders who were walking in the shadow of my window.
Many of them heard me, but a man wearing blue overalls to work, looked up to me and cupped his hands to say:
- I can lend you a ladder. Is very long and certainly takes it to the sky.
Contenta, get out of the building that I was working long hours, and took the steps that the monkey man had offered me.
I placed looking toward the sky and started up while I was stretching its many extensions.
In short, I get to heaven. The sea of \u200b\u200bclouds around me completely, and the sun had shone all around. It was a wonderful show.
Then, from the tangle of white cotton, he appeared, walking slowly, smiling joyfully to see how it got there. I ran stepping
elastic clouds and threw myself into his arms as he did when I was a little girl.
I gave him a kiss and a whisper said,
- Happy birthday.
was finally able to fulfill my desire to congratulate ... From up to heaven and hug ...
Then I awoke from my reverie. I returned to the office where I had already been for several hours and looked at the date marking the calendar: August 31
... I thought maybe he could not get a ladder to climb to heaven, but my mind if I could fly there, and I was sure my heart and yours were joined by a bond made of love.
Dedicated to my father.