Friday, March 19, 2010

Bench Fix Salon How Much Haircut

The Prosecutor will act against those who accuse the police of 'dirty war' in 'Anza case

hid the shit. A sweeping the dirt under the carpet! Poor carpet! many worms, cockroaches and slugs have to put up with their guts!
Yesterday was a day of protest against the disappearance / miraculous comeback, "natural" death Anza Jon extraordinarily unnatural. There were many people ready to go out and demonstrate and protest against the criminal abuse of power. But they could express their outrage. The Branch decided that the best policy was invisibility. Do not look! Do not let the innocent people are imbued with this shit disgusting, slimy, disgusting! What is not there!
zipaios And took and occupied the plazas and streets, and scattered children playing ball, and the ladies who were chatting at the entrance to the shops ...
Only they, the zipaios, red and black against the evening sky city, occupying the seats, slides and swings ...
I've already lived this, and in my memory I missed a "Viva Franco! Spain!"
most surreal thing is that all this circus to sponsor a party that calls itself "socialist" left-wing, republican, anti-Fascist, Democrat, fighting against Franco ... whose leaders carried banners in favor of self-determination Euskal Herria few years ago ...

Power corrupts.
But is that to get into power have to be very corrupt. If not, arrive.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sample Of Conversion To Islam

Kidnapping the carcasses

sequestration inconvenient corpses of the enemy by the power has been a constant throughout human history, since Creon sentenced Antigone to death for burying the body of his brother. In the XXI century we have planes, central heating and internet, but some habits remain. Like this.
remember the Nazis hastily burying thousands of bodies before the entry of allied troops in the concentration camps. Remember burial in quicklime of Lasa and Zabala. Remember the beating of their families by the Ertzaintza in the same cemetery ... And now, with Jon Anza, history repeats itself.
Kidnapping of eleven months, during which public authorities have laughed at the distress of his family and friends have insulted the dead calling him thief and traitor. Kidnapping after his "miraculous" reappearance, preventing her family to see the body (can anyone imagine a more cruel?) witness the autopsy ... Clearly denouncing those who ask, research, responsibilities ... You have to hide evidence of infamy, but also and above all, terrorize and humiliate the enemy.
Hitler's Germany, the Spain of the Reform Model, the France of Liberty ... States murderers, rotten, they just think to crush dissent at all costs, but then not show their faces ... Hide the bodies. A Lasa and Zabala, in quicklime, Jon, under a mountain of lies.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Disney Pocahontas Backpack

politically Disabling right

AM, near the town X, complaint in police court she was raped and savagely beaten by her ex-husband, JS past day 10. The attached medical report that displayed various injuries throughout the body, bruises, a broken arm and lacerations in the vagina and anus.
X Village City Council, meeting in special session, decides to bring a suit against that neighbor and asked the prosecutor to act ex officio against her for defamation of the honor of JS, a resident exemplary and worthy man of the people. Consistory alleges that AM trying to undermine the honor of his ex, who has self-harmed and tearing several orders from the feminist and lesbian people, and that therefore, should go to jail directly. It also requires that no investigation into the matter, as it would undermine their civic neighbor.

RT The child of 8 years, resident of the town and has appeared on a local road seriously injured and symptoms of dehydration. The hospital said he had run away from home after the last beat of his father. The Town Hall meeting in extraordinary session, has demanded the following:
- failure to investigate the case.
- The tax take letters in the case and requires the placement of children in a reformatory.
"That gets into jail the journalists who aired the issue.
Also, have stated that the child's father is a model citizen and that his son is an evil that has dried on purpose to piss off his father.

Z In the country there have been several cases of persons detained for political reasons who complain of torture, featuring some injuries and having gone through the hospital. The Parliament of that country decides to request the Prosecutor to act against the complainants attempted to smear the security forces. Obviously not be investigating the matter since it would call into question the honesty of those security forces. And besides, even the children of these people know that breast self-injury as the stop.

If some news and some not disturb us ... Could it be that even the leftists we are becoming politically correct?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gatsubi Wax In Calgary

Spain remains Buñuel film. All these years have passed in vain. The cutrez bloody and brazen, tragic eschatology, the non-black humor (because you can call it humor, does not make us laugh but mourn) overlooks their dirty noses continuously through the veneer of civilization that he wanted to apply after death Franco.
Historically, states have not hesitated to use every means to achieve their goals. But Spain, which is considered within the group of the "Western democracies" do not hesitate to ridicule to achieve their ends.
and a priority of the English state in its litigation Euskal Herria is with the Left Abertzale fails to take forward the project of uniting the independence forces, and will do their utmost to prevent it.
And yesterday surprised us again in their stark brutality.
A judge clumsy ("For me as if you drink wine"), ignorant ("Mandela has never been a terrorist, was a pacifist"), incompetent ("Take that, you do not understand or Pope"-meaning the main evidence against them) has been disabled for 16 years one of the most brilliant politicians of the neighboring country.
Leaving aside the merits, the non- relevance of the trial, or palpable injustice of the sentence, is a perfect metaphor for the state of public authorities in the Kingdom of Spain.

perfect mirror of cruelty free. A tragedy in its consequences. But in his path and make a farce. Buñuel pure.
And Gatza still in jail.