Friday, December 25, 2009

Chicken Pox Contagious Wedding

seems that in Italy there is a high percentage of mentally unbalanced that devoted to attack the country's officials. First was the President of the Republic, now the Emperor of the Vatican. And several questions assail me:
Why what is so unbalanced in Italy? Why his madness leads to assassination attempts? Is it an eating disorder?
And more: are unbalanced because they attack these characters, or, conversely, these characters have made him mad? Who is making the diagnosis? The desire to give a hostión in the snout to the cavaliere "is a symptom of imbalance? I'm not a psychiatrist, but I would say is a sign of mental health. Given the absolutely emetics are Berlusconi and Benedict, any normal person should feel these impulses to see them. In fact, the exhilaration and joy de la población ante los atentados ha sido llamativo. Ergo, ¿son estos desiquilibrados los únicos sanos en Italia y el resto de la población unos psicópatas reprimidos?
Sólo los siquiatras, periodistas de los grandes medios de comunicación y colegas políticos opinan que estas cosas no se deben hacer. ¿Serán ellos los desequilibrados? ¿O será que tienen miedo a que cunda el ejemplo?